Time: June 10, 2017 starting at 12.00.
Location: Pub/Guest house Kentuki kõrts, Pärnu, Tallinna maantee 12 (ca 10 minutes of walk from town center).
Participants: teams with 4 members from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Organization: NGO Estonian Quizzing Association (MTÜ Eesti Mälumänguliit).
The author of the questions and main referee: Mr Jaan Allik (famous quizzer from Pärnu).
The language of the contest: Russian. It is possible to use also the English language giving the answers (if needed).
System of the competition: during the I part of the competition the teams will answer for 50 questions within 50 minutes in written form. The correct answer gives 2 points, incomplete answer gives 1 point. Based on the results of the I part the 6 best teams will continue the II part of the competition.
During the II part of the competition the quarter finals (2 matches), semifinals (2 matches), match for 3rd place and final match will be played.
The questions from different themes (2 questions per theme) are presented. Teams will choose the themes alternately. The answers will be given orally (from one team) and in written form (from another team) alternately. Teams may think and discuss for answer usually 30 seconds. More time (up to 60 seconds) may be given for difficult questions. If one team reaches big advance in score and has ensured win, the match is finished before full distance. If stated distance of match comes to draw (equal score), additional question(s) will be asked.
In the quarter finals the following teams play which each other:
- I quarter final: teams achieved 3rd and 6th place in the I part of the competition;
- II quarter final: teams achieved 4th and 5th place in the I part of the competition.
In the quarter finals the questions from 8 themes (2 questions per theme) will be presented.
The winners of the quarter finals will participate in the semifinals together with the teams which achieved 1st and 2nd places in the I part of the competition. In the semifinals the questions from 12 themes (2 questions per theme) will be presented.
The winners of the semifinals will play in the final and the loosers play for the 3rd place. In these games the questions from 14 themes (2 questions per theme) will be presented.
Prizes: Three best teams receive medals and prices. The winner team receives the Challenge cup of Baltic Quizzing Team Championship.
Participation fee: 5 euros per quizzer.
В прошлый раз в Пярну было неплохо: и вопросы интересные, и организовано хорошо.